Monday, May 23, 2011

Starting a new era in this time of my life.

its the end end of school. its where i hit the end of the sand, and I see the vast waves of water. see the current hit my toes see the water rush in towards me. I take a step in and i'm okay. i take a step more, and the water rushes around my ankles, roping me cold then pulling away. I take one more and the cold comes higher and pulls away. Further and Further I reach, the cold enwrapping me, pushing and pulling. It is the new world I enter, and my comfortable life I loved so dearly, I have to say adieu. Because being trapped to the sands and the land only restricts. Just like the cowboys who searched and roamed all the lands, and claimed it all theirs. They claimed things they cannot claim, they claimed things that weren't theirs. And once they claimed, they could not move because their would be others just like them to take and claim. I cannot be that man, for I am meant to roam. to travel free and to let go.

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theres a little monster inside each and everyone of us. i never said what type. (what you'll find in this blog are things that keep me entertained)