Saturday, August 21, 2010

a day at the toy store

just to give a little update. i work at two jobs, my internship at a jean shop. The other, at a toy store. (When i mean toy store, think Empire Records style. A bunch of young adults having fun running a fun store).

So today, the toy store decided to add a little spin to their step. We held a yoyo jam. We got the national yo yo champ in the house doing a routine, demos, and helping size the yo yos to the kids. It was rather fun, blasting music and having havoc wet our feet. I was ringing up the final customer of my shift, when all of sudden Robbie, my boss, yells "Sam, call security."

I drop my task, ring up security, "uh, hellooo this is Go toys and games on the third floor by bloomingdales, can you please send security over here immediately." click. Finish checking out the customer. walk over to the bossy boss.

turns out this korean guy turned around and started punching this dude. Dude of two, by two i mean they were partners. This guy punched him in the face, and his reason.. well his reason was because he said they were following him. There were slight hints of a black eye forming on this guy in plaid. Well, I didn't stick around cause I needed to head off to the next job, but there were about 5 security guards and 5 cops hanging around. The last thing i saw was one of the cops looking at his buddy and signaling crazy guy with his finger.

and this, this is why i find san francisco so interesting. Because crazy things happen here.

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theres a little monster inside each and everyone of us. i never said what type. (what you'll find in this blog are things that keep me entertained)